21 Day Fix

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Time for an update! 

Well, I have to say that 21 Day Fix has been a resounding success.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m still fat, but I’m less fat than I was and that makes me feel great - and I’m getting stronger as well as eating better which are also really good things. 

I didn’t have the mondo success that some people have on the 21 Day Fix “15 lbs. in 21 days” etc. though I do know some folks who have had that level of success. For me it has been gradual. First round was 8 lbs., second round was 6 lbs. (after gaining 4 back over Christmas/New Years) so after 2 rounds – as of January 25 I was down a total of 10 lbs.  I’m in the middle of round 3 right now and I’m down another 2 since the start which takes me to 12 lbs. lost since December 1st so its darn close to the ‘recommended 2 lbs. a week for healthy weight loss’ pace.  Not too shabby!  Best part is about a week and half ago I couldn’t put it off any longer – I had to go out and buy new jeans because my old ones were falling off of me.  Literally – I was walking down the hallway at work with something in each of my hands and had to try to ‘stick out my belly’ in order to prevent my jeans from falling down.  Suck in my belly I’m familiar with – stick it out – not so much.  So off to WallyWorld for a cheap pair of new jeans – 2 SIZES smaller than the ones doing the London Bridge impression.  Woo hoo.  Looking forward to them ending up on the ‘pants were falling down’ heap as well.

Now I’m at the ‘do I keep doing this 21 Day Fix over and over ad infinitum’ question and I decided that while I enjoy the workouts and the food plan is easy to follow I need a bit of a change.  So off to the Beachbody website to order the PiYo Challenge Pack.  Eight weeks of Pilates/Yoga hybrid and I’m looking forward to trying it out.  Now that I’m in the habit of exercising thanks to 21 Day Fix I’m ready to take on more. 

Plus, I also signed up to be a Beachbody Coach – (What? you ask. But you are still considerably overweight? Who would want you to be their coach?) – Yes, I know I am, but I’m really interested in helping others like me tackle the same issues and programs that I’m working on. It’s a lot of fun to work out with others and I love the idea of doing that – but in the privacy of our own homes – even our own states.  

So that’s where I am right now, still on track (unbelievable) and heading for more. If you’d like more information or would like to join me in a 21 Day Fix Challenge Group or learn more about the Beachbody programs or Shakeology please check out my website for more info: -http://www.beachbodycoach.com/Ronile999

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